The Competition:
-The goal of the NEWARTMUSIK CONCERTO COMPETITION is to create new performance opportunities for young artists and young emerging talents.
-To promote a professional standard of performance among young musicians through the live experience of the open forum, competitiveness, and the concurrence of new ideas and diverse aesthetics and styles.
-To introduce emerging performers to new concert music repertoire and new & contemporary instrumental performing techniques.
-To promote the appreciation, performance and dissemination of the classical music repertoire.
-To promote the appreciation, performance and dissemination of new concert music.
The competition is open to young accomplished musicians and young artists.
– Participants will prepare 1 movement of a concerto for a solo instrument and orchestra.
-Acceptable works for the competition includes any work from the standard repertoire.
-Transcriptions and facilitated versions of the original work are not acceptable.
– All works must have all instrumental orchestra parts available.
-Memorization is required.
– Repertoire: a solo piece.
– Attendance & Live audition on a prescheduled NEWARTMUSIK masterclasses or instrumental workshops.
-Recorded pre-audition: 5’ minutes video from the standard repertoire, no older than 6 months.
PRIZE: (1st Prize: 2nd Prize: 3rd Prize: )
-Winners will be invited to perform with one of the NEWARTMUSIK concerts as follow:
-1st Prize Winner will be invited to perform with one of the NEWARTMUSIK Orchestra Ensembles
-2nd Prize Winner will be invited to perform in a NEWARTMUSIK chamber music concert.
-3rd Prize Winner will be invited to perform in a NEWARTMUSIK solo-music concert.
– Prize: Performance and recording on the NEWARTMUSIK New-Music Solo-Music Series. Awarded to one of the participants for the performance of one of the pieces of the competition-selected new-music repertoire.
-Log in to the NEWARTMUSIK MEMBERSHIP site: Register and complete the application form.